With corporation tax reliefs and rates changing on an annual basis, it’s important to make the most of all the exemptions, allowances and deductions available for tax return calculations.

Corporation Tax Returns Made Simple

Our specialist Chartered Accountants cover all aspects of technical tax guidance your business may need in a simple and easy way for you to understand. Each year, all active companies are required to submit corporation tax returns from your statutory accounts and companies house confirmation statements.

Your corporation tax return includes details of your profit and loss from your statutory accounts to work out how much corporation tax is due. Additionally, a set of annual accounts are useful as the balance sheet and profit and loss report provide data that will be used in the corporation tax return.

Whether you run a small business, are in the early stages of trading or considering starting a business, we can provide the following service:

Decide on the most suitable structure for your business and then incorporate your business as a Limited Company

Register your business for VAT, corporation tax, CIS and PAYE; whichever is relevant to you.

Develop an internal bookkeeping system that works for you and complies with HMRC requirements

Handle your bookkeeping, VAT, CIS, payroll and other end of year requirements; whichever is relevant to you.

Prepare your draft accounts for approval

Submit all annual returns and accounts with HMRC and Companies House

Register ourselves as your tax agent so we can speak to the HMRC on your behalf and advise you on any correspondence we have been copied into.

Telephone or e-mail advice when you need it

Dedicated point of contact

Free alerts service for filing reminders

Updates on HMRC changes that effect your business

In depth knowledge of tax planning opportunities

If you would like to book a free telephone conference call with our team to find out how we can help you or your business, call us today for a free non obligation consultation. Alternatively, you can get in touch with us by filling in our contact form.

Understanding Corporation Tax

Our team of tax specialists have developed a set of guidance notes based on frequently asked questions regarding the accounting aspects of your business.

Whether you are looking for guidance on allowances, tax rates, eligible expenses or submission deadlines, the sole objective of our guidance centre is to provide you with comprehensive guidance notes on HMRC rules and regulations that you can read and digest at your own pace.