How Much is Council Tax for Band B?
Council Tax Band B applies to properties valued between £40,001 and £52,000. Learn how much it costs, who sets the bands, and how to find your band.
Council Tax is a local tax charged on residential properties in the UK to fund services like waste collection, schools, and emergency services. Each home is placed in a Council Tax band (A–H) based on its value as of 1 April 1991 in England and Scotland, and 1 April 2003 in Wales.
Band B properties are one step above Band A, making them one of the more affordable Council Tax bands. This guide explains how much Council Tax costs for Band B properties, who sets the bands, and how to find your Council Tax band.
Council Tax Bands and Rates
Properties in the UK are placed into one of eight Council Tax bands (A to H) based on their estimated market value from a set valuation date.
Council Tax Bands in England & Scotland (Valued as of 1 April 1991)
Council Tax Band, Property Value and Proportion of Band D as of 1st April 1991
A - Up to £40,000 - 6/9 of Band D
B - £40,001 - £52,000 - 7/9 of Band D
C - £52,001 - £68,000 - 8/9 of Band D
D - £68,001 - £88,000 - 9/9 (Baseline)
E - £88,001 - £120,000 - 11/9 of Band D
F - £120,001 - £160,000 - 13/9 of Band D
G - £160,001 - £320,000 - 15/9 of Band D
H - Over £320,000 - 18/9 of Band D
Council Tax Bands in Wales (Valued as of 1 April 2003)
Council Tax Band and Property Value (2003 Estimate)
A - Up to £44,000
B -£44,001 - £65,000
C - £65,001 - £91,000
D - £91,001 - £123,000
E - £123,001 - £162,000
F - £162,001 - £223,000
G - £223,001 - £324,000
H - £324,001 - £424,000
I - Over £424,000
How Much is Council Tax for Band B?
Band B properties pay 7/9 of the Band D rate. Since Council Tax rates are set by local councils, the exact amount varies depending on your local authority.
For example, if the Band D charge in your area is £1,800 per year:
£1,800×79=£1,400 per year£1,800 × \frac{7}{9} = £1,400 \text{ per year}£1,800×97=£1,400 per year
Example Council Tax Band B Rates for 2024/25 (Selected Areas)
Band B Annual Charge
Birmingham: £1,448
Manchester: £1,512
Leeds: £1,470
Bristol: £1,532
Edinburgh: £1,480
Cardiff: £1,550
To find the exact amount for your area, visit your local council’s website or use the Council Tax band checker on GOV.UK.
Who Sets Council Tax Bands?
The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) (in England & Wales) and the Scottish Assessors Association (SAA) (in Scotland) are responsible for assigning properties to a Council Tax band.
Bands are based on the property’s estimated value at the last national valuation date.
If a property is built or modified, the local authority may request a revaluation.
In Wales, the last revaluation was in 2003, while in England and Scotland, the 1991 valuations are still used.
How to Find Your Council Tax Band
You can check your Council Tax band using the following:
England & Wales
Visit GOV.UK’s Council Tax band checker.
Enter your postcode to see the band assigned to your property.
Visit Scottish Assessors website.
Search for your property using the online tool.
Visit Welsh Government Council Tax page.
Enter your address to find your band.
Can I Challenge My Council Tax Band?
If you believe your property is in the wrong band, you can challenge it through the VOA (England & Wales) or the SAA (Scotland).
How to Appeal Your Council Tax Band
Gather evidence – Look at similar properties in your area.
Contact the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) or SAA – Request a review.
Wait for a decision – If successful, your band will be changed and your tax adjusted accordingly.
Be careful – A review could result in your band increasing, meaning you pay more tax.
Council Tax Band B applies to properties valued between £40,001 and £52,000 (1991 values) in England & Scotland and £44,001 to £65,000 (2003 values) in Wales.
Band B properties pay 7/9 of the Band D rate, which varies by council.
To check your Council Tax band, use the GOV.UK checker or contact your local council.
If you think your Council Tax band is incorrect, you can request a review, but this could increase or decrease your tax bill.